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Week 25

This week has proven to be the a really good one, if we are talking about halibut. The thing is that until this week the fishing was good, but not this good! More then 40 halibuts was landed in one week.

The size of the fish has been rather inpressive aswell, many of them have been over 120 cm ( 20 kg ) and bigger. as far as we know the largest fish of the week was 155 cm, closely followed by 147,145, 140, 136 cm and so on. This makes us happy, because when the numbers are so high you know that the fishing will be good throughout the season. Now it looks like the wind is making a comeback, quite forcefully as well. This will most likely make the fishing really hard. ( gale force 7 winds from W and WNW )  Something that nobody enjoys driving a boat in. We hope that it only blows this hard for a few days  that the wind stays away for the rest of the season. ( for the rest of the year if you ask me! )

So until next time, dream about big fish…catch bigger.

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